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上海Potager City上海Potager City 

Wechat : 上海Potager City 

You are a company :


You match the idea of urban vegetable gardens in Shanghai, you wish to support a long term project gatheing your employees, project management, culture and departments mix:

上海Potager City offers to you a turn-key solution for and with you. Employees wishing to take care of a vegetable garden area will be supported by SHPC all along the year and you will be able to harvest, more than vegetables, your team' satisfaction.


You are an individual :


Aware that the vegetables you daily buy could grow up on a polluted soil and among chemicals;

上海Potager City guides you in your healthy food wish.
Become a Potag人 and let's grow up your own vegetables on a 上海Potager City roof top !


As 上海Potager City is a non profitable association, a membership fee will be requested and will support investment and running cost done by volunteers. Also, you can join our potag人 community, taking care of your personnal vegetable garden at your home, free of charge of course.

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